What About Bill?

Author Kurt Vonnegut said, “Practice any art…not to get money and fame…but to find out what’s inside you, to make your soul grow.”

I started as a writer/photographer in organized labor using a Pentax ME 35mm camera. That experience prompted me to explore filmmaking using a Canon Super 8 camera and shooting 16mm film using a Bolex H16 Reflex.

In 1988, I auditioned for a part in a community theater production. With no prior acting experience, I landed the lead male role in Beth Henley’s, “The Lucky Spot.” It would be my lone venture into the craft.

In 1996, the U.S. National Park Service announced a national design competition that would culminate with the construction of a memorial dedicated to warriors and tribal members who perished at the Battle of the Little Bighorn. Although I had no experience in architectural design, with the assistance of an undergraduate graphical design artist, I conceived and entered my design in the competition. My entry, one of 563 submitted designs, was chosen by judges for exhibition at the Billings (MT) Public Library.

Wirh other than a love for music, in 2005 my wife and I started a concert promotion/talent buyer business. Our eventual success led us to owning a boutique music venue. At the close of our business in July 2013 we had produced over 350 concerts.

In 2017, I was accepted into the Creative Writing Program at Mississippi University for Women where I received a Master of Fine Arts.

Since 2018, I have been published 15 times in fiction, nonfiction, poetry, photography, playwriting and new media. In 2023 I published a short story collection, “Bad Meat Wished Good.”

Now residing in Portugal, my most recent projects include screenwriting and video production. Pieces of my work regarding the latter can be viewed on this website,